
"Shaanxi Allegro Tells Shaanxi Stories" Quyi Performance

发布时间:2020-12-01   阅读次数:124


 "Shaanxi Allegro Tells Shaanxi Stories" Quyi Performance is to invigorate the employees' spare time and help them to finish their annual business tasks. The labor union of the company invited the Chinese Literature and Art Development Foundation and the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Federation youth Literature and Art Creation Support Program project reporting troupe to the company on the afternoon of December 1 and presented a performance of "Shaanxi Allegro Tells Shaanxi Stories" to all the employees. One-man performance artist Shi Guoqing (Wang Mudu) teacher is specially invited.

      This event has various forms content. The artists brought a special cultural feast for everyone. The hilarious crosstalk allegro, the exquisite Shaanxi fast book, the familiar crosstalk excerpts, and the touching allegro drama appeared one after another. The artists on the stage performed carefully, the audience was enthusiastic and burst into laughter and applause.

     After the performance, the employees who watched the performance said that the performance organized by the labor union not only enriched everyone's cultural life, improved everyone's cultural quality, but also spread the fire of voluntary service of literature and art, which also played a positive role in promoting the construction of the company's culture.